• Broad coverage areas including complete southern Pakistan and entire provinces of sindh and baluchistan.
  • Broad customer base including government institutes , miltary institutions, private hospitals , Ngos, physician practices.
  • Professional team and Dedicated operation managers , marketing managers , order bookers and key customer relationships officers for maintaing efficient customer relations ,order generation, timely
  • deliveries and generating marketing leads.
  • Strong customer relations for many decades.
  • Zero Financial risk to suppliers as we give payment credit's to customers on our own risk.
  • SigniFicant cost reduction for suppliers in terms of sales and marketing, distribution and logistics and zero financial risks.
  • Continuous growth for suppliers due to our strong customer relations and marketing lead generations.
  • Our suppliers can relax and focus on their core area of production and leaving the responsibility of customer relations sales , marketing, warehousing, distribution and logistics, documentation and financial risk upon us.